Thursday, April 24, 2014

5 Things that Make it Easier to Work from Home with a Newborn

work at home mom

In February of 2013 I quit my 9-5 job and started working full-time with my best friend as a graphic designer and blogger. After 3 years of slowly building up our business we were finally ready to take the dive and be our own bosses. After finding out Jon and I were pregnant in May of 2013, I was especially thankful to already have a position working from home.
I took a month off for maternity leave when Soren was born and did my best to enjoy every moment with him as a newborn. It was a wonderful and challenging four weeks and I was thankful for every minute. I had a lot of nerves going back to work and after nearly a month back I've learned some great strategies for taking care of baby and getting work done!
1. PLAN IT OUT - Every Monday morning I sit down and write out my schedule for the week. I write out Jon's plans, my plans and all of the things I NEED to get done that week. It's helpful to see everything for the week planned out and cross off my to-do's as I go along. I do my best to be realistic about my to-do's and usually always include a small "bonus" list of things I'd like to get done during the week or on the weekend if possible.
2. BREAK IT DOWN - I have several things I need to get done during the week for my job. Some of these things can be easily accomplished in a day and others are larger sized projects that need more time. When scheduling out my week I try to break down the big projects into steps so I don't feel like I have to get everything done in one day. This definitely makes larger projects more possible to accomplish.
3. BE INTENTIONAL - There are times when grandparents help with Soren, when he's down for a nap or content playing on his play-mat for a few minutes. During those times I do my best to take advantage of the time and working on something from my to-do list. Knowing I don't have a lot of time on my hands at once really motivates me to make the most of the time I do have to work. It inspires me to not waste time surfing the web and focus on my task. I've found myself to be extremely productive from working like this!
4. BUILD A ROUTINE - Developing a routine throughout the week has been really helpful for accomplishing tasks. This especially helps with doing chores. We have mini morning routines and nighttime routines and a fairly consistent schedule throughout the week. This really helps establish momentum through my week.
5. TAKE A BREAK - Although my Monday-Friday is filled with caring for Soren, work and chores, I do my best to not schedule anything during the weekend for work. I love the feeling of not being required to-do anything during those days and just relax, be with my family or do something fun that we've scheduled. Breaks are just what I need to be refreshed to start the new week.
- By Savannah Wallace
Read more of Savannah’s writing at Maiedae. In addition to her blog, you can also find her on InstagramFacebook andYouTube.

Source: Disney Baby

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